Hämeenkyrö is a rural municipality located near the urban area, only 30 minutes ​west of Tampere. Hämeenkyrö is a municipality in Pirkanmaa region known for its ​culture and fine environment. We are also proud to be part of the Hinku network.*

Hämeenkyrö is centrally located along highway 3, one of the main traffic routes in ​Finland known as the Finnish Growth Corridor*. The central location of ​Hämeenkyrö offers growing opportunities for success as a resident, visitor, ​entrepreneur and service provider in all different stages of life. We have slightly ​over 10 000 residents.

*Read more: the Hinku network

*Read more: the Finnish Growth Corridor

Why Hämeenkyrö?

  • Beautiful national landscapes
  • A short distance from the Tampere metropolitan area
  • Safe, affordable and peaceful living
  • Diverse exercise and sports opportunities
  • Good business opportunities
  • Commitment to sustainability
  • Nice people and good vibes!
Mother Nature

Five Promises for

a Low-Carbon Hämeenkyrö

  • We ensure the growth of low-emission transport options. ​Opportunities for car-free mobility will also increase.
  • We provide residents with more information and choices for ​climate-resilient housing and renewable energy.
  • We support the cultivation of sustainable lifestyles and ​collaborate with young people.
  • We promote the success and development opportunities of local ​businesses through climate actions.
  • We implement international sustainable development goals ​(Agenda 2030) through our climate program.

To ensure that the climate program's goals are tailored to Hämeenkyrö's residents and ​genuinely achievable, the aim is to define them through extensive collaboration.

We organize various events, initiatives, and advisory sessions to activate the climate actions of ​residents, associations and businesses.

Municipality of Hämeenkyrö

Härkikuja 7

39100 Hämeenkyrö

Contact us

Open on weekdays from 8 AM. to 3:45 PM.

Business ID 0132947-3

Email Glyph Icon

03 565 23000


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