Bus trip

Single tickets

If you want to travel from Hämeenkyrö or to ​Hämeenkyrö, single tickets can be purchased from the ​bus and online from Matkahuolto's website:

Front page - Matkahuolto.

bus stop sign Finland

Timetables and bus stops

You can see timetables and bus stops here:

Kaukoliikenne | Länsilinjat (lansilinjat.fi) (in Finnish)

Hämeenkyrö Ticket


The ticket is sold to Hämeenkyrö residents only!

The Hämeenkyrö Ticket (Hämeenkyrö-lippu) is a municipality-specific ticket product supported by the municipality of Hämeenkyrö. The Hämeenkyrö Ticket loads 30 trips, which must be ​used within 60 days. Ticket allows travel within Hämeenkyrö as well as to and from Hämeenkyrö. The ticket is not sold for school travel or to students who are entitled to Kela travel ​support. The ticket is not valid on Tampere region's Nysse transport. The ticket products (Hämeenkyrö Ticket and Hämeenkyrö Youth Ticket) will be sold on a travel card, which is purchased ​for a price of 7 euros. The travel card purchased online will be delivered to the customer's home.

Loading a new ticket product onto the travel card will be possible through the Länsilinjat website: Lansilinjat.fi/tickets (in Finnish)

Hämeenkyrö Youth Ticket


The ticket is sold to Hämeenkyrö residents only!

The Hämeenkyrö Youth Ticket (Hämeenkyrö-nuorisolippu) is a cheaper version of the Hämeenkyrö Ticket designed for 12–20-year-olds. The Hämeenkyrö Youth Ticket loads 15 trips, ​which must be used within 60 days. Other terms for the youth ticket are the same as for the Hämeenkyrö Ticket.

Hämeenkyrö Daytime Ticket

(Hämeenkyrön asiointilippu)

The new Hämeenkyrö Daytime Ticket (Hämeenkyrön asiointilippu) allows travel between Kirkonkylä-Kyröskoski and Kyröskoski-Kirkonkylä. The ticket is valid on all Länsilinjat routes ​during off-peak hours from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The Hämeenkyrö Daytime Ticket is a 10-trip series ticket priced at 30 euros. The ticket is personal.

The ticket product is loaded onto a travel card via the Länsilinjat website. The travel card is purchased for 7 euros. The travel card purchased online will be delivered to the customer's ​home. Travel Area: Uskela (Viljakkala jct.), Hämeenkyrö (Härkikuja), Library (Multipurpose Center Silta), Nuijamiestentie, Hämeenkyrö High School, Tiilitie, Ice hall, Koulukatu, Kyröskoski, ​Hälläpirtti, Kyröskoski jct.

You can see the travel area for the Hämeenkyrö Daytime Ticket in the image (click the image).

Black Arrow

Municipality of Hämeenkyrö

Härkikuja 7

39100 Hämeenkyrö

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Open on weekdays from 8 AM. to 3:45 PM.

Business ID 0132947-3

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03 565 23000


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